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Speech Offerings

I offer engaging and entertaining 60 min presentations, using powerful visual slides, audio-visual materials as illustrations and examples, as well as humour to deliver solid value and practical tools in any of the topics listed below.

My most popular and successful presentation is on Mindfulness in business, and why top-performing companies have integrated this into their core business strategy. Participants will realise what choices they have to respond to what can’t be predicted or controlled, and better adapt to manage the impact of stress and disruption on all levels. It is key to debunk myths and disentangle this powerful neutral technique from Buddhist/Eastern associations, so it lands in a business language, framework and context, so listeners can discover why this area is so crucial for optimizing both personal and professional peak-performance. I also cover the foundations of the neuroscience in this talk, but also offer a separate presentation on Neuroscience for Leaders as well.

I also offer on request a unique added dimension of depth and entertainment to my talks. As a qualified, professional musician (piano and vocals), I have found many companies appreciate this added layer to the presentation, where I perform songs that relate to themes covered (e.g. courage, optimism, connection and relationships). Music moves people and touches hearts and souls, so the overall impact and nature of the session really comes alive on a whole different level. For the Mindfulness presentation, I offer a brief ‘sound meditation’ experience, which people find extremely valuable to experience a taste of in the session itself.

Topics offered:

  • Mindfulness for Business
  • Neuroscience for Leaders
  • Boundaries and family relationships in a Covid world
  • How to strike the all-elusive work and life Balance
  • Diversity and Inclusivity
  • Innovation and Disruptive Creativity for a world of disruption
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Leveraging the human advantage in a world of AI
  • Energy management for today’s world and Digital Detox
  • Befriending Stress: Your hidden personal coach

Dynamic Leadership
Through Self-Awareness