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Attuned Master Sales Courses - Transform your growth, Sales and Results with us today

Do you have the drive, skills and strategies to achieve effective sales results but require assistance in the execution and follow through to reach sustainable success?

“Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman – not the attitude of the prospect.”

AttunedU have established themselves as experts in both individual and sales team performance. For the last 2 decades, we have consistently delivered solid results and innovative workshops with hundreds of salespeople, leaders in sales and sales teams. We’ve worked with many corporate giants, as well as medium and smaller companies. We are in the unique position to understand typical sales challenges from both the perspective of business complexity as well as the deeper psychological factors that are usually missed.

Sales Solutions

Individual Sales coaching masterclass journey

Our flagship sales performance-coaching solution, tailored for your unique needs as a sales professional. Recommended duration 60 min sessions weekly for 6 weeks.

Corporate Sales Team coaching masterclass journey

It’s simple: your sales team brings in the money. The buyer journey has transformed radically. Successful sellers must be equipped with the latest approaches to succeed in today’s constantly shifting world. We take your team, and in a few hours of time, fine-tune each member with solid tools to hack their blockages and see breakthrough results, while also building the team as a whole in cohesion, communication, creativity and resilience, so its collective performance is taken to a whole new level.

1-day intensive sales-hack masterclass training workshop

Sometimes, time and budget constraints don’t allow for the luxury of benefitting from our flagship individual and team offerings. If so, this offering may be just what you are looking for. We have distilled the best of our sales coaching method into a highly focused 1-day training session, available to any sales professional who wishes to take their sales effectiveness to a whole new level.


Dynamic Leadership
Through Self-Awareness